Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award 2023

The date for submission of applications for the CDT Award is 29th May 2023.

In 2015, CECA created the Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award for Research in Education and Cultural Action in order to stimulate research activity amongst its members, accelerate education and cultural action development, and in this way, improve what the museums offer to their publics.

The award is offered to the author of the best empirical research report presented at the CECA Annual International Conference who has submitted before the Conference a text written according to the characteristics described below. It consists in a contribution of up to 400 Euros for covering the winner’s accommodation costs and inscription fees, but not the travel expenses. The beneficiary’s text is also published in Museum Education and on the CECA website.

Characteristics that the texts must have:
The works eligible for the award may be submitted in English, French or Spanish and must be between 35,000 and 70,000 characters in length (spaces included).


The structure of the papers must conform to the following sections:



01 Title

The title should be short, clear and concise. It should include the fundamental terms of the research and describe the work carried out and how the results obtained can be applied.

02 Cover page

The cover page should include the necessary information to identify the research report.

03 Summary/abstract

This section summarizes the research in a maximum of 500 words. It should include the research problem, the objectives, the methodology used, the impact of the results and the conclusions.

04 Key words

These are five or six relevant concepts of the work that serve to define and identify the research.

05 Table of contents

This is a fundamental section since it facilitates the structure of the research. It is important that it is paginated and well numbered

06 Justification

The justification should highlight the interest of the work carried out, something that was already done in the project. It includes the problem and the research question.

07 Theoretical framework and state of the question

It is built from the knowledge of the models and theories related to the research.

08 Objectives

The objectives of the report can be general and specific. Their wording in the infinitive should be clear…

09 Methodology

Methodology refers to the set of procedures that are used to answer a wide range of research objectives.

09.1 Method

Sample Method: the sample depends directly on the study problem posed. It is a matter of describing who participated in the research.

Techniques and instruments: in this section we explain how we obtained the data for the research and describe them.

Data collection procedure: this describes the phases in which the research process was carried out.

Data analysis: finally, this section explains what type of analysis was performed to arrive at the results presented in the following section.

10 Results and discussion

At this point we identify the main results obtained in the research, relating them to the initial objectives.

11 Conclusions

This is one of the most important points of the research report, since it contains an in-depth analysis of the results obtained and their implications.

12 References

This section includes the references of authors and works used in the text, taking into account the APA norms (6th edition).

13 Annexes

The annexes include the complementary material used during the research.


The text is submitted to a three-member reading committee (appointed by the CECA Board) that evaluates it according to the following criteria:

  1. Rigor of the research described;
  2.  Its contribution to education or cultural action;


To be eligible, one should:

  1. Be an individual or institutional member of CECA, and have paid the inscription fee for the year one applies;
  2. Have carried out the investigation for one’s own institution or for a group of them including one’s own;
  3. Have carried out the research oneself. If colleagues or students collaborated, they are considered as co-authors and mentioned as such, but the 400 Euros and inscription fee are granted only to the CECA member who applied or to a research team member explicitly designated before the opening of the International Conference;
  4. The proposed piece of research should be original and not have been published elsewhere.

Note : CECA Board members could not apply.


  1. Sending a proposal for a research communication as indicated on the CECA International Conference website, and specifying that one is applying for the award;
  2. For the deadline for submission 29th May 2023, sending electronically to prixCDT[at] a text presented according to the previous characteristics;
  3. One month after having been informed, sending to prixCDT[at] a photocopy of a travel ticket (air plane, train, bus).

Note : Proposals or texts that do not comply with the preceding characteristics or that are sent too late are not considered.

Winner or not, on the condition of having had her/his communication accepted, the candidate delivers a 20 minutes oral presentation of her/his research.

List of granted awards

Rosa María Hervás Avilés; Antonia María Sánchez Lázaro; Magdalena Castejón Ibáñez. Universidad de Murcia.
El museo como espacio de desarrollo local. Una experiencia de participación ciudadana.

Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado
Más allá de tus ojos, una posibilidad para la metacognición, el diseño museográfico y el trabajo colaborativo

“Mention Honorable” 2019 for two other texts:

  • One is signed by Mariel Carrubba and Leticia Orieta, the title being:: “CDT 2019 Carrubba Orieta Estadisticas de Genero-1”.
  • The other is signed by María Paz Undurraga y Candela Arellano, its title being:: “Visitantes de museos chilenos: Hacia un primer diagnóstico nacional de públicos de museos”.

Victoria Osete and Carlos Egio : “Estudio de la relacion entre dos instituciones culturales y su entorno social en el barrio del Carmen de Murcia” <here>
CECA Colette Dufresne-Tassé Award Winners 2021