International Committees

The 32 International Committees bring together experts of museum specialties.
They are global think tanks on museum, and more generally, heritage, matters. They define standards, develop recommendations, and share professional experience and scientific information, with ICOM members.

AVICOM – ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual and New Technologies of Image and Sound

CAMOC – International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities

CECA – International Committee for Education and Cultural Action

CIDOC – International Committee for Documentation

CIMCIM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Musical Instruments

CIMUSET – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology

CIPEG – International Committee for Egyptology

COMCOL – International Committee for Collecting

COSTUME – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Costume

DEMHIST – International Committee for Historic House Museums

DRMC – International Committee on Disaster Resilient Museums

GLASS – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Glass

ICAMT – International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques

ICDAD – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design

ICEE – International Committee for Exhibition Exchange

ICEthics – International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas

ICFA – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts

ICLCM – International Committee for Literary Museums

ICMAH – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History

ICME – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography

ICMEMO – International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes

ICMS – International Committee for Museum Security

ICOFOM – International Committee for Museology

ICOM-CC Committee for Conservation

ICOMAM – International Committee for Museums of Arms and Military History

ICOMON – International Committee for Money and Banking Museums

ICR – International Committee for Regional Museums

ICTOP – International Committee for the Training of Personnel

INTERCOM – International Committee for Museum Management

MPR – International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations

NATHIST – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History

UMAC – International Committee for University Museums and Collections