

ICOM National Committee in Georgia

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August 8, 2024

Call for Papers: ICOM Europe 2024 Conference Call

ICOM Europe 2024 Conference: Heritage Resilience: Safeguarding Cultural Legacy in Crisis Zones”

Dates: November 28-29, 2024
Location: Georgian Museum of Fine Arts. Tbilisi, Georgia

Abstract Submission Deadline extended: September 15, 2024

We are pleased to invite you to the ICOM Europe 2024 Conference, dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of cultural heritage protection in crisis zones. This conference, marking the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, underscores the vital importance of safeguarding our cultural heritage amidst global and local crises.

Conference Overview: Prior to the conference, from November 25-27, we will host a series of specialized trainings focused on disaster risk management, emergency preparedness, and crisis communication. These sessions are designed to equip participants with practical skills and strategies for protecting cultural heritage in conflict situations. Detailed information about these trainings will be available in September 2024.

Following the trainings, the conference will bring together international and local experts to explore comprehensive approaches to heritage protection. The event aims to present best practices, highlight the roles of various organizations, and address strategies to prevent intentional damage to cultural assets.

Relevance and Context:

The conference is highly relevant in light of the severe challenges faced in heritage protection, both globally and in Georgia. The military conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and ongiong war in Ukraine have caused extensive cultural damage, emphasizing the urgent need for effective and sustainable heritage protection mechanisms. The deliberate destruction of cultural heritage, often used as a tactic of war, aims to erase identities and cultural symbols. This conference will address these critical issues, reassessing and redefining the roles of governmental and non-governmental entities in line with international conventions, including the 1954 Hague Convention.

Conference Topics:

  • Best Practices in Heritage Protection: Innovative solutions and case studies for safeguarding cultural heritage in crisis situations.
  • Challenges and Difficulties: Exploring legal constraints and decisions related to the safe management of collections in conflict zones.
  • The Role of Entities in Heritage Protection: Examining collaboration between governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • The Role of Communication: Enhancing community engagement, marketing, and communication strategies in crisis and conflict zones.

Objectives of the Conference:

  • Enhance international awareness of the challenges in cultural heritage protection during crises.
  • Share innovative approaches and best practices for heritage conservation.
  • Foster international cooperation and strengthen connections among professionals and organizations involved in heritage issues.
  • Advocate for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and other international frameworks for heritage protection.

Submission Guidelines:

We invite museum and heritage professionals, researchers, and policymakers to contribute to the conference.

  • Abstracts: Up to 300 words: Title, Author(s): Full names, academic or professional titles, and affiliations, Institution, Country. Contact info. 
    Objective: Clearly state the purpose and relevance of the research or presentation.
    Methodology: Summarize the approach or methods used.
    Results: Highlight key findings or outcomes.
    Conclusion: Provide a brief statement on the implications or significance of the results.
    Keywords: 3-5 keywords that reflect the main themes or topics.
  • Full Texts: 4,000 to 6,000 words: Title Page: Include the title, author(s) names, academic or professional titles, affiliations, instituion, country and contact information. Indicate the corresponding author.
    Abstract: A brief summary of the paper (up to 300 words) on the title page.
    Introduction: Provide background information, research questions, and objectives.
    Literature Review: Summarize existing research relevant to the topic, highlighting gaps addressed by your work.
    Methodology: Describe the research methods, data collection, and analysis techniques.
    Results: Present the findings in a clear and organized manner, using tables, figures, or charts if necessary.
    Conclusion: Summarize the main conclusions and suggest recommendations or future research directions.
    References: Use a standardized citation style- APA for the bibliography.
    Appendices: Include any supplementary material that supports the text, such as detailed data or additional figures.
  • Submission: Send abstracts and full texts to:

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: September 15, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2024
  • Full Text Submission Deadline: November 15, 2024

Organizers and Supporters:

The conference is supported by ICOM and organized by ICOM Europe and ICOM Georgia, with contributions from ICOM International Committees (ICOM DRMC, ICOM MPR), ICOM National Committees (ICOM France, ICOM Austria, ICOM Belgium, ICOM Italy), Blue Shield of France, Blue Shield of Georgia, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, and Istituto Centrale Per Il Restauro.
